Conference / Media Presentations

PR Pant, E Towner (2010). Systematic review of community-based studies of unintentional injuries in children in South-East Asian countries. World Safety Conference. London, UK. PR Pant, K Baset, E Towner. (2011, May). Fatal drownings in Nepal: As reported in media. Poster presented at World Conference on Drowning Prevention, Da Nang, Vietnam. PR Pant, E Towner, M Ellis, P Pilkington (2012). Inequalities in child injuries in Nepal: findings of a community-based survey in Makwanpur. Interview: Spotlight on a Researcher (PR Pant). IUPH/ISECN Health Promotion Connection Newsletter

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Other Publications

Technical documents Co-author:Technical Brief on Water Risk and Drowning Prevention in Nepal (NPLSA). Co-author: An Advisory for Water Risk and Drowning Prevention (NPLSA Policy Brief) Author/layout: Mothers group meeting facilitation manual for FCHVs: Community-based child injury programme (English & Nepali). May 2014 Author/layout: Pictorial book: Preventing children from injuries (English & Nepali). June 2014 (used by UNICEF Nepal for parenting education Author/layout: Wall posters on injury ri

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Book Sections By Dr Puspa Raj Pant

Pant PR, Regmi PR, Aryal N, Acharya U (2022). Social media and promoting publications in Nepal: Writing for impact. Book chapter in AcademicWritingandPublishinginHealth & Social Sciences. Wasti, van Tejlingen and Simkhada (eds.). Kathmandu, Nepal. Pant PR, van Teijlingen E, Simkhada P (2016). Public Health in low-income countries In: Public Health for the Curious: Why Study Public Health?" The Curious Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-925128-58-1 (Amazon kindle version) Pant PR, GC V, Simkhada P, Kirkpatrick P, Poobalan A (2015). The Emerging Health Problems of Non-

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Peer Reviewed Publications: Other Public Health Topics

Pant PR, Ellis M (2020) Global Community Child Health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(9):3331. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17093331 Mahato PK, Waithaka E, van Teijlingen E, Pant PR and Biswas, A (2018) Social autopsy: A potential health-promotion tool for preventing maternal mortality in low-income countries. WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health; 7 (1) pp 24-28 Regmi PR, Simkhada P, van Teijlingen E, Pant PR, Kurmi O, Marhatta SB (2017) What can we learn from the Nepal Health Facility Survey 2015? Journal of Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences; 3(1) pp 1-5

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Peer Reviewed Publications: Injury Prevention Research

Pant PR, Dahal S, Joshi SK, Mytton J. Engaging Nepali journalists in good road safety reporting: evaluation of the impact of training workshops. 2023. SAGE Open. Paudyal A, Dhimal M, Bista B, Dahal S,Pant PR, Gyawali P. Prevalence and factors associated with injuries in Nepal: A secondary analysis of nationally representative cross-sectional STEPS survey, 2019.BMJ Open12 (8), e060561. Pant PR, Rana P, Pradhan K, Joshi SK, Mytton J. (2022). Identifying research priorities for road safety in Nepal: a Delphi study. BMJ open, 12(4), e059312. Siebert FW, H

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